5 lítra / 3 lítra / 20L / 12L / 6L / 4L / 5L tunnuáfyllingarvél

5 lítra / 3 lítra / 20L / 12L / 6L / 4L / 5L tunnuáfyllingarvél

Tunnfyllingarvél, Bensínvélar
This machine adopts serve weighing type filling system to calculate the filling volume of big barrel products. The machine adopts PLC control, according to the filling bottle, fixed discharge mouth, the rest of the operation can be finished on the touch screen. It's widely used in food, chemical, medical, cosmetic, agrochemical industries, etc. It is suitable for liquid filling, especially for high viscosity materials such as oil, lube oil, Mobil oil, lubricant oil, liquid soap and foam liquid. Specifications 5 gallon/3 gallon/20L/12L/6L/4L/5L barrel barrel filling machine rising-filling-capping function 2000BPH capacity machine Machine characters 1. the rinsing main transmmission is by…
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5 gallon tunnu vatnsfyllingarvélar framleiddar í Kína

5 gallon tunnu vatnsfyllingarvélar framleiddar í Kína

Tunnfyllingarvél, Bensínvélar
Automatic 5 Gallon Drinking Water Filling Machine 1, It is controlled by PLC and made of SUS304. 2, It integrates bottle washer, filler and sealer into one unit. 3, In order to achieve the purpose of washing and sterilizing ,washing machine use multi-washing liquid spray and-thimerosal soray, this merosal can be used circularly. 4, The sealer can seal barrel caps automatically. This line equips with water spraying device in order to ensure those caps sterile and clean, also this line can automatically carry out barrel, washing, sterilizing, filling, capping, counting and products discharging. 5, It is equipped with automatic trouble…
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5 lítra tunnu hreint vatnsfyllingarvél / búnaður / framleiðslulína

5 lítra tunnu hreint vatnsfyllingarvél / búnaður / framleiðslulína

Tunnfyllingarvél, Bensínvélar
Pure water filling machine / equipment / production line is suitable filling water, working steable with famous electrical components and working very stable. This  Wash-filling-capping 3-in-1 unit:Beverage Machinery is used to produce polyester bottled mineral water, purified water, alcoholic beverage machinery and other non-gas beverage machinery. The Wash-filling-capping 3-in-1unit: Beverage Machinery can finish all the process such as press bottle, filling and sealing, it can reduce the materials and Outsiders touch time, improve the sanitary conditions, production capacity and economic efficiency. Characteristics 1. Using the wind sent access and move wheel in the bottle directly connected technology; canceled screw and…
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Sjálfvirk 20 lítra áfyllingarvél fyrir hreint vatn á tunnu

Sjálfvirk 20 lítra áfyllingarvél fyrir hreint vatn á tunnu

Tunnfyllingarvél, Bensínvélar
This type barreled water producing line is the core equipment in the 5 Gallon barreled drinking water producing line. It is the ideal equipment for mineral water, distilled water and purified water producing process. The machine is made of excellent stainless steel with the advantage of easily-rinsing and corruption-resistance. The main electrical parts adopt products with brand of SIEMENS and OMRON. Pneumatic parts adopt products with brand of AIRTAC. Both the inner and outer shower nozzle for washing barrel adopt the special technology equipment from American sprayer company. The machine works reliably and efficiently based on the compact structure and…
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20 lítra vatnsfötu í flösku 5 lítra tunnufyllingarvél

20 lítra vatnsfötu í flösku 5 lítra tunnufyllingarvél

Tunnfyllingarvél, Bensínvélar
Vörulýsing 1. Þessi fyllingarlína framleiðir sérstaklega 3 og 5 lítra tunnu neysluvatn. 2. Þessi röð tunnulaga framleiðslulína samþættir flöskuþvottavél, filler og innsigli í eina einingu. 3. Til þess að ná þeim tilgangi að þvo og sótthreinsa, samþykkir flöskuþvottavél margvíslegar vökvasprautur þvott og sótthreinsiefni úða, og hægt er að nota þvottalausn með hringlaga. Sælarinn getur innsiglað flöskuhettur sjálfkrafa. 4. Þessi fyllingarlína er með vatnsúða tæki til að sótthreinsa hylki af flöskum til að tryggja að hylkin séu smitgát og heilbrigð. 5. Þessi lína getur einnig sjálfkrafa framkvæmt flöskuþvott, dauðhreinsun, fyllingu, ...
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Algjör sjálfvirk lyfjamerkingarvél fyrir drykkjarflösku krukku

Algjör sjálfvirk lyfjamerkingarvél fyrir drykkjarflösku krukku

Merkisvél með tvöföldum hliðum, Merkingarvélar
Merking vélar framleiðanda er lágmarkshraði vél sem getur náð 3000 flöskum á klukkustund fyrir 5 lítra, en hún samþykkir samsvarandi PLC, servó mótor og tíðnibreytir. Það samþykkir einnig staðsetningareininguna til að tryggja að steypimerkið sé nákvæm, hratt og stöðugt. Lögun 1. Heil vél samþykkir hæft ryðfríu stáli og góð gæði áls, samningur og sanngjarnt brot, þægilegt að aðlaga; 2. Rammar rammans um rýrnunarmynd með stillanlegu tæki, þægilegt að aðlaga í samræmi við mismunandi rúmmál merkimiða 5 ″ ~ 10 ″ pappírsrör. 3. Einfaldlega uppsetning, þá getur það hentað fyrir fermetra og kringlótt flösku. 4. Nei…
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Pure Pneumatic hálf-sjálfvirkur tómatsósu áfyllingarvél

Pure Pneumatic hálf-sjálfvirkur tómatsósu áfyllingarvél

Bensínvélar, Sósuáfyllingarvél
Shanghai VKPAK automatic tomato sauce filling machine, tomato sauce filler equipment is application for filling paste, sauce, jam, ketchup and other food sauce. The sauce ketchup filling equipment is equipped with rotary valve and piston system, the filling system is designed according to the sauce density, it can fill the sauce in any types of containers, such as glass bottles, jars and drum gallon. The filling nozzles is designed according to the bottle mouth size and with sauce filling valve. Features of automatic tomato sauce ketchup filling machine 304 Stainless steel construction and the ketchup contact parts are 316L stainless…
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Hágæða full sjálfvirk sósur áfyllingarvél

Hágæða full sjálfvirk sósur áfyllingarvél

Bensínvélar, Sósuáfyllingarvél
The VKPAK automatic sauce filling machine and sauce filler is application for filling paste, sauce, jam and other food sauce. The filler is equipped with rotary valve and piston system, the filling system is designed according to the sauce density, it can fill the sauce in any types of containers, such as glass bottles, jars and drum gallon. Features of automatic sauce filling machine 304 Stainless steel construction and the liquid contact parts are 316L stainless steel Schneider PLC and touch screen control Adapt Servo motor Driven, one servo motor drive one piston for option, high speed and high accuracy.…
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