VKPAK manufactures a wide variety of filling equipment to fill most product types into a wide assortment of container types. VKPAK fillers utilize the latest technologies to achieve the highest speeds and most accurately filled bottles on the market. VKPAK filling systems can accommodate regular free-flowing liquid products, products that are very viscous or thick, products that tend to foam, products that string or drip, products that have particulates or chunks, and dry products.
We offer a complete range of bottling equipment and bottle labelling equipment for glass & plastic bottles, cans & jars.
Fyllingartækni okkar hjálpar hágæða vörumerkjum að auka framleiðslu á átöppum fljótt og vel. Meheen sjálfvirkt, loftknúið fylliefni getur framleitt allt að 2.300 flöskur á klukkustund og hjálpað þér að auka dreifingu, tekjur og hagnaðarmörk frá fyrstu flöskunni og víðar.
VKPAK’s bottle filling and closing machine can work either individually or in a complete production line. This is a liquid filling and closing compact machine for automatic processing of bottles.
Háhraða framleiðslulínur
Svið okkar mun fullnægja öllum kröfum um átöppun og umbúðir.